After recent development of new technologies, new products and an improvement in safety, the AS/NZS 3000 Electrical Wiring Rules were updated in June 2018. Everyone in the electrical industry is bound by them and every customer is the beneficiary.
There are more than 200 alterations to the rules, below is an outline of the regulation changes that may relate to you. Please be aware this is only a guide and does not cover every individual situation. For advice on specific circumstances please contact our office for clarification.
Hot Water Systems/ Heat Pumps/ Air-con Units
- If disconnected for any reason we are required to add a lockable isolating switch if one doesn’t exist. This does not apply if only the thermostat, element or part are changed.
Residual Current Device (RCD) – Safety Switch
Most power circuits will already have RCD protection installed, however other circuits may only have MCB protection. (Please see below for definitions)
- Where any addition or alteration is made to an existing circuit of any kind an RCD must be added where one does not exist.
- Any newly installed circuit of any kind must have RCD protection installed.
- All RCD’s should be tested and test results logged by an electrician annually and push button tested every 6 months between testing by a capable person. If the RCD does not trip please contact our office to schedule an appointment for us to investigate.
For those who are unsure the role safety devices play in an electrical circuit please refer to the definitions below.
RCD – Residual Current Device (Safety Switch) – Installed on a circuit to protect people from electrical shock.
MCB – Mini Circuit Breaker – Installed on a circuit to protect the cabling from overloading for fire prevention.
RCBO – Residual Current Circuit Breaker with Over Current Protection – Installed on a circuit to protect both the cabling from overload and people from electrical shock.
Contact us about your electrical safety requirements.